Author: The Ordinary Guy

A guy who lives a pretty good life. Eats out occasionally. Likes keeping fit. Loves travelling. On the young side of middle aged...36. I work too. Review

I was recently asked to review on behalf of Running Stories, a specialist website for all levels of runners.

The clue is in the title for what you would use the Find a Race website for. For a full review of its functionality, usability and content, take a look here.

My foam roller and it’s other uses

I have this on off relationship with my foam roller. Sometimes were are inseparable and at other times it sits and gathers dust and I don’t give it a second look.

This got me thinking of the uses it has for me…other than giving me a painful massage.

Here are my top five (other) uses for my foam roller.

Use 1 – The Dryer


As part of my attempts at space saving I use my foam roller to help dry my socks and gloves.  I just don’t have the space on the radiator to fit everything on so the foam roller comes in really handy here…and technically I can’t get criticised for leaving my triathlon kit on the floor.

Use 2 – The Draught Excluder


Its pretty ineffective but better than nothing.  It turns our draughty gaps under the door into a mild breeze instead.

Use 3 – The Coat Hanger


I am living at my in-laws until we move into our new house and space is at a premium so my foam roller handily doubles as a dumping ground for my cycling kit.  Wedge it up in a corner and it is an ideal mini clothes horse.

Use 4 – The Bedside Table


The bedside table is not one that gets used regularly but its comforting to know my under used foam roller is right there if I suddenly have the urge to give my aching muscles a bit more pain…other than that it doubles as a mini bedside table for charging my Garmin and phone.  And yes…those are triathlon mags for my bedtime reading (sad I know).

Use 5 – The Foot-Stool


I think I’ve saved the best until last, my favourite.  It doubles as a great foot rest.  Basically I’m following doctors orders.  R.I.C.E.  I’m resting, the drinks are on ice, compression socks are on and my feet are elevated while watching the Six Nations.  See RICE – rest – ice – compression – elevation.

I’d love to find out what else I can use my foam roller for.  Any suggestions?





Do you ever run like Superman – minus the cape?

I have recently been making excuses for not putting on my trainers and going for a run.  Whether it be my run kit is in the wash, or I suddenly become an expert weatherman and sense rain in the air, or is that a niggle in my left knee…yep it definitely is a niggle…only to postpone the run and the niggle miraculously disappears, or I really need to iron…I’ve got loads of ironing to do and it needs to urgently.  So you get the idea. (more…)

My top seven post workout recovery products

Do you ever have those training sessions where you feel liked you worked hard or picked up a strain or an ache? It might be after a long cold bike ride or a run where you can feel something that just doesn’t warrant physio or a doctor. I have a reoccurring niggle in my back that I have been attempting to shift. I’ve been working on my core with Pilates and doing my warm up and cool down stretches but the niggle is still there.


I’ve been testing and trying out several different products to see what suits me best to help with my back and post workout recovery. Here are my thoughts and recommendations… (more…)

My top 5 reads to kick-start my motivation


I’m struggling with all the good intentions I made to keep my workout plan and training routine up. I can make excuses as long as my arm to why I’m having a dip in my triathlon training.

There are four main areas that impact on my training. Work – I’ve been doing night shifts and these knock me about a fair bit. I’ve also taken on a role with more responsibility and I have a new shift pattern to work to. Home – Me and my wife are buying our new home but we are currently living with my in-laws. All our stuff is boxed up and either in parent’s garages and lofts or its locked into storage. Weather – It rains a lot in the west country and January has been pretty rotten, February is off to a similar start. Injuries – I’ve tweaked a muscle in my back and boy it hurt for a while and I’m still feeling the after effects. I’m struggling to shift a cold that has appeared. I feel run down. Because of this my training has taken a back seat. I feel out of my normal routine and I quite like a structure.

This blog was inspired by tinman2ironman2014‘s latest blog about inspiration.

I think everyone goes through periods of inactivity. Here are my top five books that I turn to when I need that bit of inspiration or want that hit of motivation or the kick-start to my training.

Facing Up – Bear Grylls


Bear Grylls, like him or not, think he is a good guy or a sell out, he still has a pretty inspirational story to tell.  He’s written a few decent books but this one really helps me find that hidden motivation at times.  I first read it while on my travels around the world in 2007/2008 and I loved it for its honest account of his life.  I re-read while travelling in Nepal in 2011 and found I could still associate it with it.  His story tells the part of his life when he broke his back in a sky diving accident then became one of the youngest Britons to climb Mount Everest. He goes through some immense struggles and meets them head on.  I find myself learning from his passion, drive and determination.

Just A Little Run Around The World – Rosie Swale Pope


This is my wife‘s book and she thought I would enjoy it.  The story had a resounding impact and it stuck with me.  Rosie’s husband dies from cancer and I felt the brutal effect that this had on her.  She makes a decision to set off on a journey you think would be impossible.  It takes her 5 years but she runs around the world.  She has a tough old time of it and finds herself in some truly testing situations.  The inspiration for me comes from her facing her fears, her ability to keep going and endure but most of all she regains her passion for life.  I think she deals with the axe-man better than I would have done.

The Crossing – James Cracknell and Ben Fogle


Now I am a fan of Ben Fogle.  I really admire his positive outlook and willing to have a go.  I didn’t know too much about James Cracknell other than being a total powerhouse Olympic medal winning rower.  I really like the way this book has a focus on tackling a massive challenge but having the ability to show you that no matter how many people say you can’t/shouldn’t/won’t do it…it may be that it is after all just possible to do it.  It is brutally honest and compelling in parts and I really feel for them both as they accept the challenge from different perspectives.  I’ve come to admire both James and Ben even more as they went onto to do further challenges and set out their stall as truly determined adventurers.

The Ultra Marathon Man – Dean Karnazes


I stumbled across this book in the first month of my 12 month round the world trip.  It was in a book swap at the hostel I was staying.  I don’t recall what book I swapped but I hung on to this one and kept it with me for my whole journey.  Its an amazing story of having a little spark of an idea and letting that plan build in momentum and pushing your dreams, your body and your goals to the limit. Now I have no interest in doing what Dean does but his story hits me and whispers in my ear…”put your trainers on and go for a run!” It works.  He endures the physical and psychological pain and if he can run 200 miles across Death Valley surely I can head out for 10km run in good old Blighty.

Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know – Ranulph Fiennes


Sir Ran is an absolute legend in my eyes.  He is one of my heroes.  I’ve read a lot of his books but this is by far the best.  For those who have not read his autobiography before read it!  For those who read it a while ago read it again!  I must have read this four or five times.  I love it.  It still pulls on the heart strings at certain points but boy what a life this guy has had.  Seven marathons in seven days having had a heart attack and open heart surgery some 16 weeks earlier, this guy is astounding.  Sir Ran has grit, determination and passion by the bucket full.  He sets seemingly impossible challenges and gets them done in true British fashion.  I know a re-read of this is on the cards and I know it will not fail in giving me that boost of motivation that I need.

I met Sir Ran in 2009 at a lecture he was giving at the Royal Geographic Society. I was lucky enough to exchange a few words with him. There is a saying that you should never meet your heroes. I disagree. He is a true inspiration.

There are of course numerous other inspirational books out there, including Chrissie Wellington, Andy Holgate and The Brownlee brothers but I wanted to give you my top five. Actually just writing this blog has inspired me a bit to get back into my routine…and to re-read a few books too.

Let me know what you think of them. Have you read them? Have you read others that give you that boost you need? Recommendations welcome. Happy reading.

Strength training in the off season

I had the misconception that I should plough all my efforts into improving my slow methodical pace whether it be in swimming, cycling or running. I know I’m never going to compete against the Brownlees…but I can dream. I know I’m never going to win an event…but it doesn’t stop me entering. And I know my mates who I enter events with are all faster than me…but it doesn’t stop me having fun and pushing myself.


I’ve posted a few blogs about tried and tested workout routines that I have been doing. Most of them so far have been about running faster, being quicker and improving stamina. These are all important elements for my training but I have learnt over the last few years that in order to train effectively I need structure.

A pre workout breakfast – Homemade Muesli


Other than good old bran flakes muesli is my favourite cereal.  I could eat it by the bucket full…but in my bid to eat clean I have steered away from the shop bought muesli as it contains all sorts of salts, sugars and preservatives.

I wanted something that would see me through my early swims, the Saturday triathlon club bike rides and the mid morning events that I’ve entered.

I found a really simple DIY healthy muesli recipe that I’ve adapted and tweaked to suit my taste buds.  Its packed full of goodness and keeps you going without the sugar crashes. (more…)

Supercharged healthy post-workout drink


Although this looks like pond water I tastes great!

Smoothies are an excellent idea, they take moments to make, they are packed full of goodness, you can control what you put in them…and more importantly you can control what to leave out.

It only has five ingredients and tastes amazing. (more…)

Pilates. Is it not just for girls?

My gym routine and training for triathlons was giving me a few aches, pains and my posture while swimming, cycling and running was not quite right.  The guys at Absolute Health were saying “Do Pilates”, my swim coach was saying “Do Pilates” and I thought I may as well give it a go. (more…)

Fitness workout plan for a new starter triathlete

Firstly I want to wish everyone a very happy New Year, and for those who have made resolutions I wish you well with completing them.  This is the first year in a long time I haven’t made any resolutions.  I find it hard to stick to them and if I am honest any resolutions I made I was already doing the previous year before.  One of the main recurring resolutions I had was to get myself fitter than I have ever been.

I was never a particular sporty kid.  I was absolutely always close to last at being picked for team games at school.  My parents are not sporty people and my mates, when growing up, we not sporty.

Only in the last few years have I decided to get myself fitter.  I wasn’t over weight, I wasn’t particularly unhealthy but I wanted to get fitter…and combat the emerging middle aged spread.  My main issue was that I didn’t know where or how to start.  I needed a bit of encouragement.
